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Wood floor restoration Suffolk

The past year despite all of what has happened we have been incredibly busy with our wood floor restoration Suffolk work . Already we use lager sanding continuous belt sanding machinery which are virtually dust free, ( not like the hired machinery that DIYers use) !.  We have expanded and added to our floor sanding family of machinery.  

Dustless wood floor restoration machinery Bona Power drive

To add to our wood floor restoration Suffolk sanding family of machines, we firstly purchased the bona Flexi sand power drive. Using a direction-free sanding technique, the drive combines excellent performance with easy operation and is ideal for sanding those awkward areas quickly and efficiently.  This machine has a Four rotating disc system  geared plate, as well as the revolving four discs that delivers an amazing power with an excellent sanding finish.  We are also able to carry a whole range of different jobs with this versatile machine, such as bare wood coarse sanding, fine sanding, oiling and concrete grinding such as laitance removal.  With a powerful 1,9 kW motor this is the most powerful machine of its kind on the market. 

Dustless containment system 

floor sanding Suffolk

The health and safety and clean air of our working environment as well as keeping our customers homes clean while  using our machines has always been very important to us when carry out our wood floor restoration works . That's why, recently we have invested in the Bona dcs70 containment system. Developed by Bona the powerful dust extractor removes 99.996% of dust in the air during the floor sanding restoration process keeping our customers safe and clean.

 Contact us 

 If you would like o contact to talk to us about your floor on what we can offer please don't hesitate  to call on 07810435322  or via our contact page

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