Wood flooring suffolk

Wood Flooring Suffolk Welcome to Sandskill Wood flooring Suffolk – Suppliers of bespoke  hardwood solid wood flooring  and engineered wood flooring. Wide and narrow plank up to 300mm wide and herringbone .  With a range of species Oak , Ash, Elm, Walnut.   Creating your dream hardwood floor. We can create your dream wood floor from[…]

Floor sanding Norwich

Floor sanding Norwich  Sandskill limited flooring covers all aspects of wood floor sanding Norwich and areas over East Anglia. Wood floors which have received a lot of wear which now  look dirty worn and tired, we are able to provide a full restoration service. Sanding wooden floors back to like  new bare wood, sanded to[…]

decking sanding

Decking restoration and installation.

Decking sanding and installation  At Sandskill ltd we specialize in decking sanding and installation. Timber decking being exposed to the outside elements will in fact age and needs help to protect its self from sun exposure, wind, and rain. For this reason wooden decking requires maintenance and care more often from the outdoor elements. Wooden[…]

Floor sanding Suffolk You are currently using Thrive Architect to edit this content. You can continue editing with Thrive Architect or return to the default WordPress editor  Launch Thrive Architect or Return to the WP editor 

Wood floor restoration SuffolkThe past year despite all of what has happened we have been incredibly busy with our wood floor restoration Suffolk work . Already we use lager sanding continuous belt sanding machinery which are virtually dust free, ( not like the hired machinery that DIYers use) !.  We have expanded and added to[…]